Strategic Plan and Sustainable Development Goals
Abdullah Gül University (AGU) continues to take important steps in the field of environmental sustainability. To effectively combat climate change caused by the human factor, the institution is carrying out important work on measuring, reporting, and reducing greenhouse gases and water consumption at the institutional level.
In 2023, AGU successfully calculated its carbon and water footprint in line with its goal of reducing its water footprint and passed the audit process. As a result of these efforts, it was awarded the ISO 14064-1:2018 Carbon Footprint Certificate by the internationally recognized QSI.
- 2021 ISO 14064: Carbon Report
- 2021 ISO 14064: Carbon Verification Statement
- 2022 ISO 14064: Greenhouse Gas Verification Report
- 2022 ISO 14064: Carbon Footprint Public Disclosure Report
- 2022 ISO 14064: Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement
- 2023 ISO 14064: Greenhouse Gas Verification Report
- 2023 ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement
- 2023 ISO 14064: Carbon Footprint Public Disclosure Report
Strategic Plan and Sustainable Development Goals
AGU has prepared the Strategic Plan in accordance with as declared in Article 9 of the “Public Financial Management and Control Law” numbered 5018 “Public Administrations prepare a strategic plan with participatory methods in order to create their mission and vision for the future within the framework of development plans, programs, relevant legislation and the basic principles they have adopted, and to determine strategic goals and measurable targets, and to measure their performance in line with predetermined indicators, and to monitor and evaluate this process” and with a relative understanding according to the template determined by the “Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in Higher Education”.
The 2023-2027 AGU Strategic Plan preparation sub-working groups of our university were formed and participation was ensured at the level of faculties and presidencies. Meetings were held with both internal and external stakeholders and their opinions were received. The views of the stakeholders were analyzed and presented to the strategic planning commission by the sub-working groups. The Strategic Planning Commission prepared the 2023-2027 AGU Strategic Plan as a result of the work of the sub-working groups and the feedback from external stakeholders.
In this report, actions for both strategic goals and their implementation have been determined. AGU carries out all its activities according to this plan. This Strategic Plan is a roadmap of the challenging and important steps that we have taken and will take to achieve the SDGs and increase climate action with the objectives that it contains. Each action forms a framework for our implementation efforts in this field. Click here to see the Aim-Goal-Action in our Strategic Plan which is our roadmap that leads us to achieve SDGs.
AGU Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action Plan includes our goals and strategies for the 2019-2029 period. Our plan includes policies and concrete actions to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, support sustainable transportation, improve waste management, and adapt to climate change.
This plan also aims to encourage the participation of our university community and all our stakeholders. Our students, faculty, staff, and local communities will play a key role in the successful implementation of this plan. They have played an active role in preparing an important roadmap for sharing our commitment to climate action and coming together to achieve our carbon reduction targets.
AGU initiated the measurement of its low-carbon consumption in 2018 and shared its goal of becoming net zero carbon in 2029 with the public in its Climate Action Plan. Accordingly, the measures planned for energy, business travel, commuting, owned vehicles, waste, etc. are detailed in the Climate Action Plan. Accordingly, AGU has received ISO 14064-1:2018 certification, LEED certification and Zero Waste Certificate. In addition, AGU has joined the “Race to Zero” campaign, which is carried out jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Second Nature organisation and the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education (EAUC), an association aiming at sustainability in education. The campaign, which is a global initiative for zero carbon emissions and is open to universities from all over the world, includes 832 institutions from different regions of the world. The campaign, in which universities are expected to create strategies and plans for “zero carbon emission” targets in the future, aims for a healthy and zero carbon emission recovery that prevents threats to the future, provides decent job opportunities and paves the way for inclusive sustainable development. With this program, a healthy and zero carbon emission improvement is aimed, which prevents threats to the future, provides decent job opportunities and paves the way for inclusive sustainable development.
See the news in the link and check the current signatories on this link.