Abdullah Gul University Hosts Art Studies

29 Apr 2024

Abdullah Gul University Hosts Art Studies

Abdullah Gul University (AGU) once again stands out with its support for arts and culture. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Murat Kanbur, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Erciyes University, the choir meets every Monday at AGU's conference hall.

Academics, doctors, teachers and students from Erciyes University and Abdullah Gül University (AGU) participate in this artistic event. Abdullah Gül University supports the arts by hosting this event.

The choir is conducted by music teacher Gülay Tuncer, and every week, AGU's conference hall is filled with art lovers. These music-filled gatherings strengthen the feelings of unity and solidarity among the participants.

By supporting activities in the field of art and culture, Abdullah Gül University continues its efforts to increase society's interest and awareness in the arts.